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Experts add insights directly into each article,
started with the help of AI.

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internship for you

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Let the right people know you’re open to work

With the Open To Work feature, you can privately tell recruiters or publicly share with the LinkedIn community that you are looking for new job opportunities.

Stay up to date on your industry

From live videos, to stories, to newsletters and more, LinkedIn is full of ways to stay up to date on the latest discussions in your industry.

Conversations today could lead to opportunity tomorrow

Sending messages to people you know is a great way to strengthen relationships as you take the next step in your career.

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Learn the skills you need to succeed

Who is LinkedIn for?

Anyone looking to navigate their professional life.

Find a coworker or classmate Find a course or training Find a new job

In it to chase my dream

Check out Gayatri’s story of finding a new job on LinkedIn

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